Class \Scrivo\LoginKey

Add a login_events record with a temporary key that can be used to log in.

The following fields should be populated:

instance_id           Instance id
date_login   Time of the login event (for timeout)
user_id           User id
return_code       0: OK, 1: invalid pwd, 2: invalid ucode
remote_address       Client IP-address
access_key        Random key

Login return codes: 0: valid login credentials 0: login failed, invalid key

An alternative function can defined in the .htscrivo file (LOGIN_PROVIDER refers to a php script that implements the function 'login_key()'. This is usefull if you want to use another user database to log in (LDAP). You still need to match roles on both systems, but you can write a function that does the authentication on the external system and if authenticated simply insert a row in the login_events table. Note that you still need a user in the Scrivo database, but that is only functional: a user id is used to retreive the roles. Simply insert a new user on login and link it with the corresponding roles.

Defined in: LoginKey.php.

Constructor summary

Attr. Name / Description


Create a login object to either generate or verify a login key.

Constant summary

Name Description
INVALID_IP Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull because login key generation and verification action were initiated using a different ip addresses.
INVALID_PASSWORD Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull due to an invalid password.
INVALID_USERCODE Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull due to an invalid usercode.
LOGIN_SUCCESSFULL Value to indicate that login was succesfull.
TIMEOUT Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull because of a time out when verifying the key.

Member summary

Attr. Type Name Description
protected \..\Context $context A Scrivo context.

Method summary

Attr. Type Name / Description
public \..\String

generate($usercode, $password)

Generate a login key for a given usercode and password.


insert($userId, $loginStatus, $key)

Insert an entry in the login_events table, this entry will be checked by LoginKey::verify().

public \..\User


Verify the login key, return the user if succesfull, NULL if not.



public LoginKey(\Scrivo\Context $context)

Create a login object to either generate or verify a login key.


Type Name Def. Description
\Scrivo\Context $context

A valid Scrivo context.



Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull because login key generation and verification action were initiated using a different ip addresses.

Value: 4


Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull due to an invalid password.

Value: 1


Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull due to an invalid usercode.

Value: 2


Value to indicate that login was succesfull.

Value: 3


Value to indicate that login was unsuccesfull because of a time out when verifying the key.

Value: 5


protected \Scrivo\Context $context

A Scrivo context.

Inital value: null


public \Scrivo\String generate(\Scrivo\String $usercode, \Scrivo\String $password)

Generate a login key for a given usercode and password.

Override this function if you want to verify the user against another autentication database.


Type Name Def. Description
\Scrivo\String $usercode

A user code.

\Scrivo\String $password

A password.


\Scrivo\String Generate a login key for a given usercode and password.

public insert(int $userId, int $loginStatus, \Scrivo\String $key)

Insert an entry in the login_events table, this entry will be checked by LoginKey::verify().


Type Name Def. Description
int $userId

A user id if password verification was succesfull, -1 if not.

int $loginStatus

The result of the password verification: either \Scrivo\LoginKey::INVALID_USERCODE, \Scrivo\LoginKey::INVALID_PASSWORD or 0 (no error).

\Scrivo\String $key

A generated random key.

public \Scrivo\User verify(\Scrivo\String $key)

Verify the login key, return the user if succesfull, NULL if not.

Also update the login_events table with the result of the verification.


Type Name Def. Description
\Scrivo\String $key

A key that was previously generated by LoginKey::generate()


\Scrivo\User Verify the login key, return the user if succesfull, NULL if not.

Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 2.0.0a12 and ScrivoDocumentor on August 29, 2013